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B E S P O K E   F U R N I T U R E   +   D E S I G N S 

T H E   J U L E S   W A B B E S   K I T C H E N

T H E  J U L E S  W A B B E S  K I T C H E N

Designed in 1964 by Jules Wabbes during the overall development of an apartment located in the Avenue Louise area of Brussels, the " Livorno " kitchen gathers all the elements defining its creator: proportions, ergonomics, choice of materials and finishing details, including the use of exotic woods and brass.


Half a century later, this kitchen, a genuine and functional work of art, relates to contemporary architecture through various elements: the " drag " assembly of macassar ebony veneer giving it a graphic edge, the beautiful shelf of the bar / center island combining parts of end grain solid wenge wood, the walkway designed to conceal the utility equipment, or the hinges and brass plinths.


The modules are perfectly suited to contemporary lifestyles, as wished by their creator.


Several finishes are also available in other woods and materials, always in tune with the 'Wabbes codes'.


Respect and concern for a high quality level have constantly guided us, making it a point of honor to stay faithful to the high demands of its creator.



O R I G I N A L  -  1 9 6 4 


L O W   F U R N I T U R E

W I T H   D O O R S

L O W   F U R N I T U R E

W I T H   D R A W E R S

T A L L   F U R N I T U R E

Jules Wabbes (Brussels, 1919-1974) was a major player within the design and interior sectors in post-war Belgium.


Self-taught and passionate, he first opened an antiques store and started doing interior design for his clients, before launching an architectural and industrial design practice in 1951, collaborating with architect André Jacqmain.


In 1957, he founded his own design production company called " Le Mobilier Universel ".


Throughout his career, he worked on a large number of prestigious corporate offices, as well as private homes. Wabbes designed furniture, whose aesthetics profoundly influenced his time. In fact, his works currently reach dizzying prices on the antiques market, as well as auction houses.


A major exhibition was dedicated to him within Bozar at the end of 2012.





J U L E S  W A B B E S

J U L E S  W A B B E S   E D I T I O N S  2 0 1 0



Created under the leadership of Marie Wabbes and Luc Vincent, " Wabbes Editions 2010 ' brings together nine companies, which own the official licenses needed to reissue the works of Jules Wabbes.


We are now an integral part of this scheme.

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